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发布日期:2019-11-22   浏览:


  目: Monitoring hydrofracturing with electromagnetic array

报告人:刘澜波 教授

University of Connecticut(康涅狄科大学)



主持人:严良俊 教授


Dr. Lanbo Liu (刘澜波) is a Professor of Geophysics and Civil & Environmental Engineering at the University of Connecticut specialized in geophysical wave propagation studies. He received BS and MS degrees in Geophysics from Peking University, MS in Civil and Environmental Engineering, and PhD in Geophysics from Stanford University. He was the Carnegie Fellow at Carnegie Institution of Washington before joining the faculty of the University of Connecticut. He was the Summer Faculty Fellow at Schlumberger-Doll Research, and at NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center. He was a Fulbright Scholar to Norway in 2009-2010 worked on imaging seafloor sediment imaging using ambient noise sources, and a Blaustein Visiting Professorship, Stanford University in 2017 worked on hydrofracturing monitoring with geophysical observations. He published extensively on pure and applied geophysics in peer-referred journals, conference proceedings, and technical reports. He served as member of the editing board or associate editor for a number of international journals in geophysics.

In this talk he will present and discuss the research topic on monitoring hydrofracturing process with geophysical observation using seismic and electromagnetic methods.





